Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vocab of the Week (Part 2)

This week's vocab is commitment. Commitment is important for anything life. It pertains to the most important parts of a person's life. Don't let the word blend into thoughts of "You must dedicate every waking moment to capoeira if you want to improve." That's not what the main idea. Of course doing that will help your capoeira improve, but it will only improve so much. Commit to something only if you want to commit to something. That is the key. Committing to half-desired objectives leads to disappointment and frustration. Nobody wants to be disappointed or frustrated (absolutely nobody.) However, here are some goals that everybody should commit to: Improvement, Happiness, and Success. Honestly ( and heavily opinionated,) I believe doing capoeira can lead to those three goals. Note how the focus isn't on committing to capoeira, because here capoeira can be the development of  that magical trio. Capoeira has helped me looked at those objectives and guide me to them. Capoeira can do that for everybody who tries it, and I will attempt to show that in every pratice, class, game, and roda.

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