Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Vocab. of the Week!

Welcome back to the Capo Dailies! Here's the Vocab of the Week! The word is...Esquiva! The most important move in Capoeira. No one could stand playing many capo games if you were constantly getting kicked. Luckily, you don't have to! The most important aspect of the esquiva is the timing. Without, you either go too early or too late, which ends with a kick, unfortunately, to the face. Timing is hard to train for, and requires a lot of patience. A lot of confidence is required, but know that the fear will betray. Hesitation and uncertain is dangerous in efforts to protect yourself; however, keeping your esuivas (dodges or escapes) strong will keep you safe in any roda, against any strike. Also keep your esquivas low, because no matter your height, you have to be willing go under anything. Safety is the most important priority in any game.