Thursday, February 23, 2012

Song of the Week

Song of the Week!!!
This is one of the songs that Professor Maranhao was teaching us the coro on the white board about two weeks ago.

Joguei no quilombo, quilombola

[The chorus. you sing this part]  Le le le o!

Eu sou nego dos bantus de Angola

[The chorus. you sing this part] Nego nago

Fomos trazidos pro Brasil
Minha familia separou
Minha mae ja foi vendida
Pra fazenda de um senhor
O meu pai morreu no tronco
No chicote do feitor
O meu irmao nao tem a orelha
Porque o feitor arrancou
Na mente trago tristeza
E no corpo muita dor
Mais hoje em dia
Pra o quilombo eu fugi,
Com muita luta e muita garra
Eu tornei o guerrero de zumbi,
Ao passar do tempo
Pra fazenda eu retornei
Soltei todos os escravos
E a senzala eu queimei
A liberdade nao esta descrita em papel
Não foi dada por princesa, cujo nome é isabel
A liberdade veio do sangue e muita dor
Muitas lutas e batalhas foi o que nos libertóu

Joguei no quilombo, quilombola
Le le le o!
Eu sou nego dos bantus de Angola
Nego nago

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vocab of the Week!!!

Today's word is Roda. Roda is the circle that we spar in as well as the circle we also sing in. The Roda is game time in the capoeira world. You can compare it to the having a scrimmage at a soccer practice. It is the time to apply on all the sequences and moves that were worked on in the practice. It's a moment to test yourself against classmates in friendly competition. There's also an etiquette to the Roda. You can only enter in two areas of the Roda. The "doors" are at the two ends of the bateria ( the players of the instruments). Like you would knock when approaches someone's front door, you "knock" by asking the leader of the bateria ( in most cases the teacher of the class, or the highest mestre.) Roda etiquette will be expanded on in future dailies.